Tantra Transformation - 19-26 November 2023 - Bali

Multiple Sessions

Venue Details

Eco Luxury Resort
Tejakula, Bali, 80571

Tantra Transformation - 19-26 November 2023 - Bali

Multiple Sessions

What is possible when you heal old wounds, release past trauma, and write a new script for your life?

How much joy are you able to experience with new tools for relating?

What version of yourself might you become when given the permission, the freedom, and the techniques you need to expand and evolve?

In this week-long immersive retreat, Tantra Essence Lead Faculty Dharmaraj & Sira will guide you on a deep journey to liberate your inner ecstasy potential. You will be supported in releasing stuck energy and healing old conditioning and trauma, to reveal your natural and spontaneous self-expression.

You will have the opportunity to powerfully rewrite your life script to manifest the best version of who you are meant to be. Our invitation is to move through various phases of development: self-love, same gender bonding, freeing and expanding male-female interaction, discovering the wonders of intimacy, and embracing Tantra as a sacred doorway to wholeness.

Discover healing, reconnection, and empowerment.
This retreat is a portal into manifestation of your ultimate potential.
This is an opening to what’s possible for your life--a YES to more spaciousness, joy and peace.

Will you say “yes”?

Click Here to watch the Video from our April 2022 retreat.


  • Five phases of eros & sensual development: self-love, same gender bonding, male/female polarity and attraction, intimacy, Tantra
  • Unique Tantra techniques to put you on a fast track in your personal development and consciousness evolution
  • Meditations and personal development methods designed to give you an embodied experience of true freedom
  • Deep healing of s.x.ual dysfunction & expansion of your ecstatic capacity
  • Opening up energy pathways, creating space for full-bodied aliveness
  • An exquisite & juicy blend of ancient Tantra techniques, sensuality, therapeutic methods, ritual, dance, massage, emotional fluidity methods and sharing, all held in a safe container
  • Powerful and lasting transformation
  • Step into your full empowerment and potential as a sensual and spiritual being


Any man or woman, single or in a relationship, who is ready to release years of baggage that are standing in the way of reaching your true potential.

Anyone who is...

  • Curious about exploring the eros and spiritual aspects of sensuality
  • Ready to heal inner stagnation arising from childhood conditioning
  • Open to experience emotional fluidity leading to the liberation of inner ecstasy
  • Eager to be part of a group of vibrant, like-minded people who are committed to growth and integrity


19-26 November, 2023
- starts, 19 November at 2:00PM (check-in from 11:00AM)
- ends, 26 November at 2:00PM (check-out from 3:00PM)

8:30am - Morning Session (Active Meditation, Yoga, or Emotional Release)
10:00am - Brunch/Beach Break
12:00pm - Group Session
2:00pm - Snack Break
3:00pm - Group Session
5:00pm - Dinner by the Beach
6:30pm - Group Session
8:30pm - Group ends for the day
*Healthy meals are in accordance to Intermittent Fasting*

Eco Luxury Resort, Tejakula, North Bali (Contact for exact location)

$2200 (includes tuition fee, healthy delicious vegetarian meals + double shared accommodation in luxurious rooms at Desa Saya Eco Luxury Resort)
Early Bird (until 10 August): $1790
Early Bird 2 (until 31 October): $1990

- Single Room Upgrade available for $550 and is on a first-come first-served basis (and is not guaranteed). Single Rooms are a few minutes walk further from the group room than the shared room.
- Most rooms are Double Shared Accommodation.
- Triple Shared Accommodation is available at a discounted rate if 3 friends are registering together who would like this option. Each person of 3 persons saves $100. Contact Dharmaraj to enquire about this option.
- Upgrade to a shared Private 1-Bedroom Luxury Villa w/ Pool is $480 ($240 per person for 2 persons). Great for Couples.
- Upgrade to a Single room Private 1-Bedroom Luxury Villa w/ Pool is $480 for the Villa upgrade AND $550 for the Single Room upgrade, total is additional $1030. Purchase of the 1-Bedroom Luxury Villa upgrade does not get you the Villa by yourself, you need to also purchase the Single Room upgrade, otherwise you will be refunded and given a shared standard room. 1-Bedroom Luxury Villa has a King bed that cannot be separated, so it's ideal for couples, very close friends, or singles. 
- Participants booking their own offsite housing is not possible, without exception, as per our agreement with the venue.

(Send a message to Dharmaraj before or after payment sent with screenshot or confirmation of payment)
- Megatix Payment by credit card is possible (charged in IDR)
- To pay by Wise Bank Transfer, send to email address: [email protected]
- If you prefer to pay by Bank Transfer, contact Dharmaraj to do so. 
- To pay by Indonesian Local Bank: Permata Bank, Account number : 4134503705, Swift: BBBAIDJA
- PayPal in USD is possible to: [email protected] (please add 5% for fees, or send via Friends & Family option)
- Credit Card in USD, even American Express card, possible through PayPal.
- Zelle payment in USD is possible to [email protected] 



Please complete the Registration Form, either before or after payment: Tantra Transformation Registration Form

Event Organizer
Dharmaraj: [email protected] / WhatsApp or Telegram: +62 813-3725-3380


Dharmaraj is a Tantric Sexual Educator and Intimacy and Relationship Coach, and has been hosting Tantra Meditation and Tantra Massage professionally since 2015.

He has been on the Tantra path for the last 14 years and is Lead Faculty in Tantra Essence school as well as being an Elite Certified Tantra Educator (ECTE) with Source School of Tantra Yoga, has trained in Taoist Tantra by Grandmaster Mantak Chia at Tao Garden in Thailand, Quodoushka/Native American Tantra with Amara Charles, as well as trained with many other masters incluing Bruce Lyon and Homa & Mukto.

Dharmaraj teaches Tantra around the world, facilitating Tantra groups for couples and singles, groups for men, training practitioners in Mystic Tantra Massage, teaches Soul Mate Training For Couples and also had led Tantra Teacher Training together with Ma Ananda Sarita.

Dharmaraj is a Doctor: DMD from Tufts University, has a degree in Psychology from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and is an experienced holistic healer in many healing modalities, including Color Light Therapy, Mystic Tantra Massage, and Tachyon Pain Body Release Therapy.

Ma Prem Tanmaya

Tanmaya offers Tantra for individuals and couples, sharing the joy of saying yes to oneself and to live life totally. Her way of teaching is full of heart and an invitation to blossom in bliss, love and meditation. She initially studied as an actress and singer before falling in love with Meditation and personal development in Osho Communities.

In 2011, Tanmaya came in contact with Ma Ananda Sarita, who became her teacher and guide and Tanmaya studied with her intensively over several years, exploring her own inner sky and diving deeply into the essence of love and meditation. Together Tanmaya is passionate about sharing the power of Tantra with others internationally in live workshops as well as online or on conference. It is her joy to blend deep and profound meditations with playfulness and lightness – all infused with her profound transmission of love. Tanmaya has been exploring couples Tantra deeply in her relationships. The path of Tantra as a couple for her is the most exquisite path of self exploration as through intimacy with another we deepen intimacy with ourselves and the divine. Blending love and meditation – We are all one in the light of love. This is her calling, her mantra and her life’s work.


From Elaina, on May 3, 2022 a participant from our April 2022 Tantra Transformation in Bali w/ Ma Ananda Sarita & Dharmaraj:

"I finally feel ready to share a few snapshots of the tantra transformation I did last month

It wasn’t what you probably think it was.

It was the single most profound experience of personal development work I’ve ever done. It was a lot of inner child healing, emotional release, reconditioning childhood relational patterns, healing mother/father wounds, and connecting with such an amazing group of humans. (The best part was that all of us on this retreat actually live in Bali so our connections continue to deepen after the week-long immersion.)

I’ve never felt so in my body as I do now. I literally feel my womb pulsate and my heart burst when I’m offered invitations or when I’m making decisions. It’s not an intellectualization of embodiment, but a true experience of my body being online, responsive, and in charge.

I’ve exponentially slowed down and leaned back even more in my business, letting my team support me to the fullest and letting the smart machine we have do the work while I stay tuned into the vision.

I’ve been laughing more than I ever have in my life and honestly think I’ve just objectively gotten funnier. 😜

My inner child is coming out more and I also feel juicier and sexier than ever before in my life. My dancing has even changed. My body has changed.

Since discovering my first teacher in the tantra space literally on the streets of Rishikesh five years ago, this modality has been one of the things that’s changed my life the fastest and for the best.

I’m looking forward to spending more of my time this way now: in community, on retreat, in immersive growth experiences, having fun, playing, traveling, and deepening.

Huge thank you to the facilitators and organizers of this profound experience: Ma Ananda Sarita and Dharma Raj. Love you guys and everyone who was a part of it. ❤️"

Every edition of Tantra Transformation since 2020 has sold out, and this event will be no different and sell out quickly. There will be 2 Facilitators and (at least) 5 highly skilled Assistants to support your journey, with most of our Assistant team themselves skilled facilitators and space-holders, and some with Trauma-Informed training.

NOTE: We work with activating the energy of eros, however sexual intercourse is not part of this retreat, not part of the group structure, and there is no sex in the group room or public spaces. Just to be clear. What mutually consenting adults do in their own bedrooms is up to you, and in this case we recommend safer sex practices. We are respectful of local culture, customs, and legality, and our facilitators are teaching legally with KITAS work permit. This internationally acclaimed retreat has been openly running for years without incident. 

Tantra Transformation was created by Ma Ananda Sarita, founder of Tantra Essence. While she is sometimes Dharmaraj's Co-Facilitator, Sarita will NOT be facilitating the November 2023 edition. Dharmaraj and Ma Prem Tanmaya are both Lead Faculty in Tantra Essence for the last 7 years.

Registration costs are non-refundable.
You may transfer your spot to someone else of the same gender, with organizer approval, or transfer your attendance to a future edition of Tantra Transformation in Bali. It is your responsibility to arrange before the event starts and contact our team for approval.

Venue Details

Eco Luxury Resort
Tejakula, Bali, 80571